:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::\/-/\-\/-/\-\/-/\-\/-/\-\/-/\-\/-/\-\/-/\-\/-/\-\/-/\-\/-/\-\/-/\-\/-/\-\/::: :J.A.T.Z. --- Jatz Ain't a Text Zine Edited by Tann: : Issue #006 : : Phil Don't Litter October 16, 2004: :::/\-\/-/\-\/-/\-\/-/\-\/-/\-\/-/\-\/-/\-\/-/\-\/-/\-\/-/\-\/-/\-\/-/\-\/-/\::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ___________________ 1-Phil Don't Litter ------------------- <@swissphil> fuck littering <@swissphil> if i ever see you littering i will punch you <@swissphil> i don't know who the fuck you are <@swissphil> but don't come in here <@swissphil> and promote littering <@swissphil> got it * swissphil sets mode: +b *!*jassified@207.68.71.* * You were kicked by swissphil There was a bunch of other uninteresting crap in that log too. That was May, 05 and I'm still banned. I hate you all. Bastard @ From Hell you be. If anyone out there would like to do me a favor, point your favorite IRC client to #acromp3 on irc.efnet.net and tell @swissphil that littering is a lifestyle decision and that he might as well be racist or homophobic if he's gonna ban people who litter. But don't tell him I sent you, act like you're there on your own accord. That'll make it hit harder maybe, because he'll be thinking there's a bunch of radical bastards from hell out there making a lifestyle out of littering. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- __________________ 2-Dead Fetus Shake ------------------ Ingredients: 1 dead fetus (preferrably 4-6 months premature) 12 ounces soy milk 2 ounces raisins 1/2 pack Skittles(c) 1 tsp brown sugar dash of salt Preparation: Boil dead fetus as you normally would, pat dry and allow to cool. Combine ingredients into a blender and puree. Pour in a glass and drink. Straw is optional, it tends to make it go down smoother. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________ 3-Theme Parks Are Gay --------------------- Buncha stupid bastards waiting in line for a cheap thrill. God I hate theme parks. I'd like to go get injured at Disney Land or Six Flags or any of those other shitholes and sue them enough to make them go bankrupt. That'd be so cool. That'd teach those assholes to try to have fun. Having fun is for bastards. Fuck you fun lovers. And fuck your theme parks. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________ 4-Crackheads Are Fun to Hang Out With ------------------------------------- Unless they don't have any crack. But what kind of self respecting crackhead would be caught all crackless? That's not my kind of crackhead. I will not rest until everyone above the age of 5 has a rock and a stem and some choreboy. Crack is the fountain of youth in the solid state. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ____________________________ 5-Shitgoose Needs Headphones ---------------------------- [12:39] i need headphones [12:39] i dont own any at all [12:40] im contemplating suicide [12:40] my girlfriend left cause i don't have headphones [12:40] you don't know how good you have it tann -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________ 6-Hammers Are Awesome --------------------- I love my hammer. I wear carpenter jeans everywhere so I can put my hammer in the loop. I drive nails with my hammer. Sometimes, if I have trouble getting a screw started with my screw gun, I tap it in a little with my hammer so I have it set to start screwing in. I have a bigger hammer too, I use it to beat boards in when I cut the board a bit long. I usually cut it a little long on purpose because I would rather snug it in than have slack in it. Building things is cool. The hammer is a very important part of building things. I've never built with steel. I'd hate to try to build a skycraper. I don't even feel compfy two scaffolds high. I hate scaffolds. What if they fall? I'd like to have one of those metal platforms for the top instead of using a 2x8. I don't like falling down from high places. But I love my hammer. I paint a dash of neon orange paint on all of my tools so I know which ones are mine easier. Everyone should color code their tools in my ever so humble opinion. Just a suggestion. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------